Courses Available
Open Class
(Project R - Releve)
To expose students to a concept of 'master class' / 'open class', which is beyond RAD exam syllabus. To prepare students for more opportunities such as competition and performance
For who:
All DanceLab students who are wiling to commit themselves on Sunday for extra curiculum / content beyond exam syllabus
1. Open class concept to prepare students with knowledge and movement BEYOND their current RAD exam level (for ballet competitions and workshop)
2. Bring in solo or group classical repertoire like Swan Lake, Sleeping beauty, Giselle etc for students to experience (for ballet competition) when they students are more establish
3. We would like to invite other experienced ballet teachers in town to join us occasionally , to give our students new perspectives and feedback in dance.
4. Other dance genre like contemporary, jazz, Chinese, Indian and Malay traditional dance to diversify ( for performances)
5. Add in body conditioning classes to create muscle awareness and serve as warm up